Sunday, August 25, 2013

A simple Task List with reminders can better help procrastinators than a complex GTD system

“Getting Things Done” a.k.a. GTD is a system designed and promoted by David Allen.

According to Wikipedia, “The GTD method rests on the idea of moving planned tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items. This allows one to focus attention on taking action on tasks, instead of on recalling them.”
You may find more details in the Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity book. The main premise of GTD is that it can make you more productive and successful in your life.

Many people believe that it’s a rather useful system. The system can be implemented using many different tools. For example, see 17 Tools, 50+ Websites or even 100+ Resources for Getting Things Done. Different systems supporting GTD exist, including the paper index card based Hipster PDA, web based applications like Toodledo and applications for smartphones like DGT Task Manager.

These tools and the GTD system can help determined and motivated people become more effective.

David Allen's main idea is that people are not effective due to poor task and time management skills and that the GTD system helps with this. At the same time, quite a few people have a different issue limiting their productivity and success: procrastination or lack of focus. The GTD system is of limited value to such people because they are easily distracted, regardless of available tools.

These people mainly need help with motivation and concentration. Such help can be provided by therapists, coaches, counselors, priests, peer groups like AA or even friends.

The YouDo Android application is designed to help people who procrastinate by minimizing their distraction and bringing focus back to important tasks. YouDo is not a substitute for a life coach or therapist. However, it can help you with your focus by unobtrusively reminding about the most important tasks.

YouDo will help you maintain a list of tasks. Reminders for the most important tasks are displayed in a small window when you are likely not busy with other Tasks. If you take no action, the reminder window will close in a few seconds without any input. YouDo thus distracts you from whatever distraction you were dealing with and helps you switch back to a more important task.

YouDo can help eliminate the “Oops I forgot” moments.

YouDo can help a procrastinator become more productive and successful.

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